Amen, blondie... that is the WT's M.O. : "clarification" & "adjustment"
I thought 'God's chariot' was fast! ?
Seems as tho the H.S. takes it's time 'clarifying', haha!
the u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
Amen, blondie... that is the WT's M.O. : "clarification" & "adjustment"
I thought 'God's chariot' was fast! ?
Seems as tho the H.S. takes it's time 'clarifying', haha!
the u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
but wait.... You CAN get fractions from human blood.....
at the meeting last night, at the annoucments at end of meeting they said make sure u take your ped card.
i said to myself what is a ped card?
blood cards are back.
OMG that 'blood card' is scary... Instructions for "if you are pregnant" and "no one can be your witness if they can inherit part of your estate!
I am so glad not to be a J-dub.
august 12, 2016 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: obtaining video equipment for displaying spiritual programs.
"It is the financial responsibility of the publishers".....
No more books? magazines?.... That's OK, we'll sell TVs...
about 5 years ago when i was in, my son who at the time was 18 needed somewhere to sleep for a couple of nights due to work commitments ,in a city 2 hours from home.
my "best man" who is an elder that lives in this city , was asked could my son stay a couple of nights .
the response was he doesn't go to meetings anymore ,he can't stay here , i ask can he sleep on garage floor instead , still can't stay .
Thanks, sparky1, this sentence says it all:
And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing?
We should all memorize this line....
has anyone else seen that "classic" music clip in the june broadcast yet??.
"don't run too fast".
if not, do yourself a favour and watch it!.
Haha! They always use the kids as "examples of what we shouldn't do", right? Caleb & Sophia....
If I could pole vault well, I would make a video of myself going to a convention, and the song would be playing "don't run so fast", right?
Well, I would be standing in line, before "being let in", listening to the brother saying "Brothers, sisters, please don't run"..... and then..... they let you in, and the pace quickens, everyone is ALMOST running, haha, and I would run to the front of those walls... where the seats have more room.... and VAULT over the wall! haahaa, while the song is playing "don't run so fast"!
If I were younger, and could vault, I would love to go to a convention and do that, just to see the look on all their faces! The same people got front row seats every year, right?
It would be a funny video ;-)
we like to think we are logical and have good reasons for for our beliefs.
no more so than when it comes to our reasons for rejecting the truth claims of jws.
we reject their version of history, such as the date of the fall of jerusalem, because it doesn't agree with the historical evidence.
My husband, my sons, my DIL & I left SOLEY based on 607 BCE. If 607 was wrong, 1914 was wrong, and so was 1919, and the GB were just a bunch of men.
When they changed the "generation" teaching, we waited for the WT's explanation in the 2011 WT. We used ONLY the Society's publications, bible, etc, etc.
I hate liars, I was lied to, and there was no way I was going to stay with a lying organization full of numerologists (yes, I looked at The Finished Mystery). Period.
I had endured all kinds of crap in this borg, and never left. Had PTSD more than once from things done to us by "this loving organization." I did not consider leaving, "Jehovah would straighten it out, he knew what was happening" (not that I didn't do what I could when I could, I did not sit on my hands)
No slimboyfat..... we did not leave for "social" reasons. We knew it would mean losing friends, family, our life.... and we did.
Nope, truth is truth and lies are lies.
Just the facts.... that was it.
religious privilege undermines abuse victims’ access to justice.
posted: mon, 22 aug 2016 10:40 by richard scorer.
"If the Jehovah's Witnesses imagine that they can escape scrutiny of their safeguarding failures, I am certain they will be proved wrong. The courts have certainly given them short shrift. But in exposing what has happened, we need to nail the central issue once and for all: child protection is more important than religious expression. Religious organisations need to obey the law of the land, just like everyone else. When it comes to child abuse, religious exceptionalism needs to stop."
Romans 13:1 Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
Do Jehovah's Witnesses "subject themselves to the authorities"? According to them, "authorities have been established by God." JWs question the authorities. Do they really care about what God says? Do they really care about the children?
Actions speak louder than words.
what do you think about these things.
it seems like a monumental waste of time and money, a pipe dream of the governing body based on wishful thinking.
this corporation is going down the tubes with these asshole deluded genius's calling the financial investment shot.. buying chemical dump property around the world to build their financial empire headquarters on while facing massive child molestation lawsuits now and many more in the future means it looking kind of bleak for these messed idiots running things..
Exactly what I was thinking, Millie210!
You don't need a "building" to translate... you simply need a computer and internet hookup.
WT is so bogus! But they have trained their audience of 'seals' to clap each time an announcement is made: "We have just spent 250 billion on a remote translating site in Africa for a language that is only spoken by 100,000 people, and if statistics hold true (less than 2% or is it .2% will become JWs) that will mean either 2,000 or 200 people will be JWs... and you have just spent 250 billion (exaggerated on purpose).... Clap... Yaaaayaaaayyaaaa.... Clapping, clapping.
A computer and a translator........ internet connection, right?
So glad I am gone!
i am a curious person.
i am challenged by the unknown.
i can be driven, out of sheer frustration, to penetrate a closed veil of conspiracy.
I think that nails it, xjwsrock.... & just as you explained, Terry..
"Reality is cold"